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At Yamir Packaging we take our responsibility towards the environment very seriously. We are committed to following sustainable business practices in order to reduce our footprint on the planet. with our in depth of knowledge of raw materials, production and state-of-the-art printing and packaging technologies helps us ensure optimum resource utilization and minimal wastage at every step of the production process.

We comply with all the environmental, health and safety guidelines laid down by local legislative bodies. We recycle waste wherever possible, and treat and dispose of industrial waste strictly according to the government regulations. Each new product that we develop is carefully designed with a focus on sustainability. We strive to educate our employees, suppliers as well as contractors about environmental, health and safety issues. We do not want quality and trust to be our only legacies; we also wish to leave behind a green planet for future generations. Yamir also believes in plantation and has planted more than 500 trees in and around the plant.

We support "SEWA" and regularly sponsor local tribes enabling them to earn their own lively hood. What these people learn is paintwork, carpentry, tailoring etc. so they can start something of their own.